How to Play Piano with Both Hands

Learning to play the piano with both hands can be a daunting task, but fear not! With dedication, patience, and these five valuable tips, you’ll be well on your way to elevating your two-handed piano skills to new heights.

The Challenge of Two-Handed Playing

For many aspiring pianists, the idea of playing with both hands can seem like an impossible challenge. It’s as if your brain freezes when you attempt to coordinate both hands simultaneously. 

You might excel at playing a piece with one hand at a time, but as soon as you attempt to merge them, everything falls apart. Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this struggle.

Playing the piano with both hands is indeed one of the most formidable hurdles in the learning process. It involves training your brain to manage two distinct tasks simultaneously, which can be bewildering and challenging. 

Moreover, if you’re accustomed to predominantly using your right hand (associated with the treble clef), integrating your left hand introduces a new clef (the bass clef) and its associated note positions, further complicating the endeavor.

The Path to Mastery

The good news is that, with persistence and a structured approach to practice, you can overcome this hurdle and enhance your piano skills.

Whether you’re self-learning or guided by a teacher, these five essential tips will pave your way to mastering the art of playing piano with both hands.

1. Reframing Hand “Independence”

Many resources emphasize the concept of “hand independence,” implying that each hand operates entirely on its own. However, this perspective can make the learning process more complex. 

Instead, envision your hands as collaborators working on the same project with a shared timeline and rules. While they may not always play identical parts, their different notes and rhythms complement and support each other.

2. Learn Each Hand Separately

The critical first step in playing with both hands is to understand that it’s a novel and intricate task for your brain. When tackling something new, your brain requires undivided attention. 

Attempting to learn both the right- and left-hand parts of a song simultaneously can overwhelm your brain, especially if you’re still relatively new to two-handed playing. 

Therefore, begin by mastering each hand individually. This initial separation allows your brain to focus on one aspect at a time.

3. Knowing When You’re Ready

To gauge your readiness for two-handed playing, aim to memorize the notes for each hand by heart. 

A useful test is to close your eyes while playing; if you can execute each hand’s part correctly, you’re prepared to progress to playing with both hands.

4. Divide Songs into Smaller Segments

Breaking down complex tasks into manageable components aids comprehension and retention—a principle that applies to learning piano with both hands. 

Divide a song into short sections, ideally lasting four to eight seconds each, and concentrate on mastering one section at a time. 

Once you’ve perfected each segment individually, combine them and focus solely on transitioning between them. By doing so, you’ll eventually conquer the entire piece with both hands.

5. Maintain a Steady Pace

When embarking on the journey of two-handed piano playing, resist the urge to rush through segments of a song or deviate from a consistent rhythm. 

Although it may seem like a quicker approach, it will hinder your ultimate goal of accurately playing the entire piece. Start by playing at a slow tempo, ensuring you can maintain a steady pace throughout the entire song. 

Initially, this may feel excessively slow, but it’s essential for comprehending hand movements and note sequences thoroughly. 

Once you can play fluently and confidently at a slow tempo, gradually increase your speed while maintaining a consistent rhythm until you achieve the piece’s intended tempo.

6. Begin with Easy Songs and Exercises

To ease into playing with both hands, select songs that match your current skill level. 

Opt for pieces where the right- and left-hand parts are relatively straightforward to combine, and hand movement across the keyboard is limited. 

Beginning with appropriate songs keeps you motivated and inspired as you progress. Consider exploring our list of “10 Easy Piano Songs for Beginners” for suitable choices.

7. Choosing the Right Song

If you’re unsure about a song’s difficulty level, seek guidance from a teacher or a more experienced pianist. 

Alternatively, rely on tools like piano-learning apps, such as Flowkey, which categorize songs by difficulty, enabling you to choose pieces aligned with your skill level.

Supplement your song selection with hand-coordination exercises. While you can find such exercises online, it can be time-consuming to sift through numerous options to identify high-quality resources. 

Piano-learning apps like Flowkey offer structured courses with exercises tailored to guide you effectively toward your goals.

8. Harness the Power of Sleep

Sleep is a formidable ally in the journey of learning complex piano movements with both hands. During sleep, your brain consolidates newly acquired skills into muscle memory. 

Moreover, adequate sleep enhances your focus and fine motor skills, making it easier to acquire and retain intricate abilities.

If you’ve dedicated intense practice sessions and feel that progress has plateaued, consider taking a day’s break and returning to the piano after a restful night’s sleep. You’ll likely experience a noticeable improvement, almost like magic.


Mastering the art of playing the piano with both hands is an achievable feat with dedication, patience, and a structured approach to practice. 

Embrace the concept of your hands working together rather than independently, master each hand separately, divide songs into digestible segments, maintain a steady tempo, and start with suitable songs and exercises. 

Additionally, leverage the power of sleep to consolidate your learning.

Remember, while self-discipline is crucial when self-learning, piano-learning apps like Flowkey can serve as invaluable companions on your journey. 

They provide features to enhance your practice, such as selecting practice hands, breaking songs into smaller parts, controlling tempo, and comprehensive courses designed to nurture your two-handed playing skills.

Stay patient, stay persistent, and never give up. With these strategies and consistent practice, you’ll soon find yourself playing the piano with both hands like a true maestro.

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